Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Garden Survives the Storm

The garden came through the storm fairly well. A few potato plants suffered broken branches from the downpour. The broccolli etc was sitting in a pond until the water soaked and some plants along the garage drip line were beat down for a couple of days. All in all not too much damage. All is doing well but the cooler nights are starting to show wear on the tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers. Only about half of the Sugar Snap Peas germinated so I'll need to do a second planting. My lettuce is finally really growing and I enjoyed a completely homegrown salad tonight along with some wild boar steaks.Here's a few pics of the garden.
tomatoes 10/8

Here's some of the compost bins I am trying to give away. I still have the box of MiracleGro for Tomatoes as well.

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