Sunday, February 14, 2010

65 and Lovin' It

What is it about the mid 60's that ignites a gardener's ambition? When I got in the truck this morning at 10 the thermometer already read 57 degrees. I was only going to Ace Hardware get a new edger blade. Today and tomorrow were for getting the yard halfway in shape as it is finally drying up some. I arrive at Ace but they don't have my blade. I left with nothing. On to Walmart. The broccolli and cauliflower catch my eye on the way in(did I mention I'm too busy and lazy during duck season to try to start anything from seed). Again no blade. I leave Walmart with a 9 pack each of brocolli and cauliflower,a pack of starter onions, flowers and a card for the wife, sugar free candy for the M.I.L., and a small finch seed sack for the birds. On to Home Depot. Bingo! I finally got my edger blade. I leave home depot with blade, a bag of steer manure, and 2 bags of Patio Plus potting soil (for growing wheatgrass). I get home unload and do my yard chores; edgeing, weeding, weedeating, and blowing everything off. After that I harvested all the carrots , weeded most of the garden, transplanted some onions that were in the main garden and planted the new onions I bought. We left again to go to the Cowpoke and pick up a bale of alfalfa (great mulch that breaks down into nitrogen instead of taking nitrogen from the soil) and another seed sack for the finches. Anyone who hasn't seen all the finches in front of the Cowpoke in Loomis on Taylor Road should go. For dinner we had fresh kale, carrots, and the last of the garden potatoes. I feel pretty whipped as I've had a bad sinus cold for 4 days but today just excited me. Tomorrow I'll finish cleaning and weeding the garden and plant the brocolli and cauliflower. Of course that will require a trip to the garden store for organic fertilizer. Maybe I'll pick up some bareroot Asian Pear trees. It's only money and time.

Put up a new flag to replace the storm ripped one.

The haul from Home Depot and the Cowpoke.

Seed sacks from Walmart and The Cowpoke

seed sack


Sugar Snap Pea Flowers

Sugar Snap Peas That Survived The Big Freeze

Kale surrounded by Weeds

The New Onion Bed

Garlic Bed

Squirrel Statues

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